Wednesday, April 5, 2006

Which Tree and Chic Fil A.

Today I hunted for the perfect tree.  Our first spring in our new home and I wanted to plant a tree in Anna's memory on her one year birthday into Heaven.  This wouldn't seem like such a hard task.  However, have you been tree hunting?  There are thousands of beautiful trees.  How does one decide?  It would certainly help to know where the tree was to be planted.  Front, side, back … with other trees, by the drive way? 

The more I pondered which tree to get and where to plant it the more questions arose.  Instead of making a decision I took the kids to Chic Fil A where we had a nice lunch and a great time of fun in the play place. 

Chic Fil A is like a whole nother world.  You walk in and nothing has to be done.  There are no decisions to be made other than sweet tea, lemonade, or Dr. Pepper … which I must admit can be a hard decision, but not one with lasting consequences.   

Today's decision?  Lemonade. 

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